this zapier account iam using is subscribed to starterpack.
i understand that only only 20zaps can be created in starterpack.
We have integrated our application with zapier and we have planned to go with inviteOnly mode.
i have invited 3 users to use my applicationIntegratedWithZapier and the users are creating zaps.
so totally 4 zapier users are creating zaps (3 invitedusers +1 admin account) with my applicationIntegratedWithZapier .
is the 20 zap limit is assigned to my applicationIntegratedWithZapier?
And will this limit include zaps created by all the 4 users ?
What should i do to increase the number of zap limit?
Best answer by DanversBest answer by Danvers
I wanted to follow up on this with the answers that the Support Team gave to the questions above:
why am i getting below message? (the message to upgrade)
Seeing that message would indicate that you have reached the limit for how many Zaps you could have on your account. (in this case, 20)
Does this limit of creating zaps linked to my zapier loginAccount or is it linked to myApplication that i created with Zapier? The limit on the Zaps linked to your login. So, for example,
You can only make 20 Zaps, but you could have an unlimited amount of people using the integrations you build.
Will the below message go away if i upgrade my zapierApplicationLoginAccount to professionalAccount?
Yes. The Professional plan has unlimited zaps so you wouldn't see that message if you upgrade to Professional.
If you have the Starter Plan above, then you can create 20 Zaps in your Zapier account. If you’ve built an integration for Zapier, then the number of users using that integration doesn’t affect the number of Zaps that you can have in your account.
If you’d like to invite users to use your integration, you should ask them to create their own Zapier account, and then invite them (using their email address) to use your integration from their accounts.
I hope that’s clear, let us know if you have any questions!
Something doesn’t seem right here, so I'm going to flag this post for the Zapier Community Team. They should have more insight on this and can escalate to the support team if needed.
I think that it will be easier to answer your questions if someone can have a look at your account. I've escalated this to the Support team and someone will be touch via email to help you with it as soon as possible.
I wanted to follow up on this with the answers that the Support Team gave to the questions above:
why am i getting below message? (the message to upgrade)
Seeing that message would indicate that you have reached the limit for how many Zaps you could have on your account. (in this case, 20)
Does this limit of creating zaps linked to my zapier loginAccount or is it linked to myApplication that i created with Zapier? The limit on the Zaps linked to your login. So, for example,
You can only make 20 Zaps, but you could have an unlimited amount of people using the integrations you build.
Will the below message go away if i upgrade my zapierApplicationLoginAccount to professionalAccount?
Yes. The Professional plan has unlimited zaps so you wouldn't see that message if you upgrade to Professional.