Hi @btfirake
Per this guide https://zapier.com/help/manage/tasks/view-and-manage-your-task-history (see the bottom section), Zapier only guarantees it will hold up to 1 month of task data. Sometimes a little more, sometimes less if you have a high use account.
I don’t think there is a limit on ID size.
@AndrewJDavison_Luhhu Thanks for the answer, but I am talking about the Ids returned by the trigger.
When you activate Zap, Zapier fetches the trigger records and store ids of these records so that it can identify the new ids after Zap activation.
I want to know how many of those Ids are stored by Zapier, nothing related to history. I mentioned history just to be clear that the records are triggered.
Will update my question as well.
Oh sorry @btfirake - I get you now!
I don’t know the answer to this, so I’ll flag it for someone at Zapier to confirm.
Hi @btfirake
The number of values that are stored for deduplication can vary depending on the app in question. The best thing to do in this case is to get in touch with the Support Team to ask them to take a closer look at the app and IDs with you. You can do that using the Get help form: https://zapier.com/app/get-help