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How get Debit in Email with Stripe Payment link when booking Calendar

  • 8 November 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone,

I am building a website for a personal chef, with Calendly or Acuity Scheduling and Stripe.

If someone books a date with the chef, they should automatically receive an email with a payment link from Stripe. This works fine, except the only payment options are Apple Pay and credit cards, even if I enable other payment options in Stripe, such as SEPA transfer (bank transfers within Eurozone) or Multibanco. The client is located in Portugal, where credit cards are not used as often as bank transfers.

Does anyone know of any technical solution to enable people to pay with bank accounts? I have little coding or webhooks experience, but with a clear explanation or tutorial, there is a lot I can learn.

Thank you so much for reading and have a lovely day! Matthijs

Hi @matthijsm 


As per Stripe API Documentation (check here  

payment_method_types optional enum

The list of payment method types that customers can use. If no value is passed, Stripe will dynamically show relevant payment methods from your payment method settings (20+ payment methods supported).


This should help you create the payment methods as needed. 


IF for some reason this doesn't work for you (like for example you need this payment link only to have the specific payment method) you can use Webhooks by Zapier to create the payment link as shown on Stripe API Documentation. 


curl \
-u sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc: \
-d "line_itemsd0]lprice]"=price_1M1miT2eZvKYlo2COBskTkJE \
-d "line_itemsd0]lquantity]"=1

Hi @MohSwellam,


Thank you for your reply. I will study this, and if I have any more questions, post them here.


Have a lovely day.