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Hi Team,

I’m trying to upload file into my folder in zoho workdrive. I have tried these steps

  1. Trigger: :App] - New Email
  2. Action: Zoho WorkDrive - Find Folder 
  3. Action: Zoho WorkDrive - Upload File (map the ID of the Folder from Step 2).

But at step 2, I can’t find my desire folder. 
FYI, the folder I want to map if sub folder which is External Form (My Folder > My Form > External Form)


Please help


Hi @nurul 

Good question.

To help us have context, please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.



this my zap steps.

As you can see at step 3, I want find folder. But in Folder Name I cannot choose my desire folder.

FYI, this my folder path in Zoho WorkDrive : My Folder > RMA Folder > RMA 2 Folder.
My desire folder is RMA 2 Folder.


Thank you



Folder Name is a text input field.

You can enter this static value: RMA 2 Folder


The Team Folder is a dropdown field.

You may need to select the subfolders to dive down.

Make sure to check the field description for guidance. (more)



Conversely, if the Folder will be the same each time, then you may not need Step 3, and should be able to set/select the desired Folder in Step 4.



Hi Troy Tessalone ,folder will I unable to select subfolder .


I also check guidance. (more). It was saying ‘Select a Team Folder or your "My Folders" (By default, we will look for the folder in all the Team Folders).’ Howeverm zapier not look for the sub folder in the Team Folders.


These are the fields available for Upload File.

The Folder field should allow you to select the subfolder.


Otherwise, if you know the internal Folder ID, then you can try setting that via the ‘Custom’ tab.


Hi Troy Tessalone, sorry, now step 3 (Find Folder is working) however, I am having issue at step 4 (Upload File).

I have chosen Team Folder based on step 3.

 This is result after test : 

Failed to create a file upload in Zoho WorkDrive

The app returned `{"message":"Invalid Param found"} What happened: Executing creates.upload_file.operation.perform with bundle {"message":"Invalid Param found"} Console logs: ` as error, which we cannot read.

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The Team Folder expects the internal Folder ID.

e.g. in the screenshot below it’s “private_XXXXX”


Hi Troy Tessalone, still unable to upload a file.
Step 3 test sucessfully

 Step 4 still erorr : 

Failed to create a file upload in Zoho WorkDrive

The app returned `{"message":"Invalid Param found"} What happened: Executing creates.upload_file.operation.perform with bundle {"message":"Invalid Param found"} Console logs: ` as error, which we cannot read.

I have change Team folder to My Folder and for the Folder section I choose based on Step 3.



The Folder field expects the internal Folder ID from step 3.


Hi Troy Tessalone, it’s work. Now I can upload my file.


Thank you for your help.

Yay! Thanks so much for popping back in here to confirm Troy’s suggestion did the trick here, @nurul🎉

Seems like you’re all set with that Zap but please do reach back out if you need any further help. The Community is always here if you ever get stuck at all. 🤗