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How do we trigger HubSpot action from the Alchemer survey without leaking email addresses?

  • 29 October 2023
  • 1 reply

I’ve been working with the Alchemer-Hubspot integration provided by Alchemer (SurveyGizmo) and for the most part it works fine for pulling and posting contact fields to/from my survey. However this depends on Alchemer knowing the email address of the recipient. I could pass this to Alchemer in the URL and access it there, but this is a huge security hole since it can be edited to access any contact record. I can also export contacts from Hubspot and run the campaign in Alchemer which is secure, but then we lose the benefit of managing and tracking all communications through Hubspot (which is after all why we want the integration).

Looking at Zapier, it appears that the triggers have to be on the Alchemer side (e.g. new survey submitted), and not triggered by a Hubspot action which is my goal. Can Zapier address this in some way? Thanks.

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @sfmike99 

Good question.

The Alchemer Zap only has triggers available.