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Hi there, 

I have an issue as below where i do not know where/what to enter as the Zapier ‘Remote Sql’. 
Does anyone face the same issue as me, and if so can I know what should be the correct entry? 

Thanks in advance! 


Hi, @EDLOH, and welcome to the Community!


I’ve done some digging and haven’t been able to find an answer to this one, sorry about that. We have a guide on how to connect to MySQL from the Zapier side of things, but I’m not familiar with CPanel. I did find this WordPress help page that talks about setting up CPanel to user with Zapier, the image in their video doesn’t match your screenshot. I think that the best thing in this case would be to contact CPanel and ask them what value needs to go those fields; what information are they looking for?


I hope that helps!