I have a Zap with trigger being Slack step “New Message Posted to Channel in Slack”. Formatter actions then extract data points from hte message, and should feed it into hubspot, create new contacts and map the data points to defined hubspot field.
Several things the Zap does/does not do, I’d need to adjust
- currently the zap creates an empty contact account in hubspot (not even sure how this is possible without e.g an email address), for every other message, or even a message in a thread, of the selected channel. But I ONLY want a contact created when the message is in the specific format, that I selected in the trigger step, or that contains an email, not for every message of the channel
- The Zap would ideally also need to check if this email adress already exists in Hubspot, and only create a new contact, if it does not exist, is this possible?