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Is there anything I can do with the Date/Time formatter to get YYYY MM DD HHA:mm (12 hour am pm time) from YYYY-MM-DDTHH🇲🇲ssZ (24 hour time from Outlook) ?

*edit* time format above should be YYYY - MM - DD T HH : mm : ssZ (added spaces to avoid emoji above)

This article mentions that I can input an “A” in the To Format field to get AM/PM, but I don’t see this in my format options and I can’t figure out how to input custom formats. 

I really don’t want to have to use another formatter step to extract the 24 hour clock time and then another step to calculate the 12 hour time if possible… 

Please help!

Hi @geneva 

Good question.

You can use the Custom option to specify your desired format in the Formatter step.

Hi @Troy Tessalone ! Thanks for your reply.

That helps, but I still can’t get the am pm time correct. 

When I tried with MMMM DD YYYY HHA:mm 

I get February 10 2023 14PM:00 from 2023-02-10T19:00:00Z, when it should be 2pm.

If I put the A at the end I get February 10 2023 14:00 PM


Do you know how to get the AM/PM time right?


Try just ha



Yes! You’ve got it @Troy Tessalone 

MMMM DD YYYY h:mm A got me what I wanted:  February 10 2023 2:00 PM

Thanks a lot!