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How do I use OpenAI chatbot in Messenger for interviews and compile responses in a document?

  • 5 March 2024
  • 1 reply

I intend to use the OpenAI chatbot within Messenger to conduct interviews where the bot can ask a series of questions, delve deeper based on the responses, and maintain a coherent conversation flow. After the conversation concludes, the bot should be able to compile all responses into a single document for analysis and review.

Example Use-Case: Imagine a scenario where a user clicks on an ad and is directed to Messenger. The OpenAI chatbot initiates a conversation, asking the user predefined questions about their experiences with some specific product. The chatbot is programmed to ask follow-up questions based on the user's responses, aiming to gather detailed insights. Upon completion, the chatbot summarizes the conversation and saves it into a document.

Could you please advise on the feasibility of such an integration and provide guidance on how it could be implemented? Any insights or resources you could share would be greatly appreciated.

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Wojtek_Bee, welcome to the Community! 👋

I can see that you already reached out to Support about this and they replied with some suggestions. Not sure if you’ve had a chance to see that reply from them yet but thought I’d share their suggestions here in the Community in case it’s helpful:

“To achieve what you're aiming for, you would need to integrate Facebook Messenger with OpenAI GPT-3 through Zapier. However, it's important to note that while Zapier can help you automate processes, the depth and complexity of the interactions you're planning would likely require additional custom programming on your part.
Zapier can certainly trigger a conversation based on an event (like a user clicking an ad and being directed to Messenger). From there, it could send predefined questions to the user. However, the ability to ask dynamic follow-up questions based on user responses would probably need to be handled by the chatbot logic in OpenAI's GPT-3.
Once the conversation is complete, Zapier could be used to take the data from that conversation and save it into a document for analysis and review.
To implement this, you would first need to set up OpenAI GPT-3 and Facebook Messenger to work together. This would likely involve using Facebook's API to send and receive messages, and OpenAI's API to process the user's responses and decide what question to ask next.
Next, you'd set up a Zap to trigger when a conversation in Messenger ends. This Zap could take the conversation data, format it as needed, and then save it into your document format of choice.
For more information feel free to check out these helpful links about Open AI and Facebook Messenger integration:

I hope this gives you a starting point for your project. Please note that this is a high-level overview and the specifics could vary based on your exact needs and the APIs' capabilities. We recommend consulting with a developer if you're not comfortable setting this up yourself.
If you're looking for someone to build your Zaps for you, we maintain a directory of certified Zapier Experts:

Hope that helps. If you run into any trouble or have any questions just let us know! 🙂