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How do I update stock quantities in Google Sheets when order is placed in Ecwid?

  • 15 November 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi all,

In Ecwid we sell individual products and “kits” made up of products. When an order is placed, the stock quantities on the platform adjust automatically. I want to send the new stock quantities from Ecwid to Google Sheets to do some data manipulations (to adjust the quantities of the products in kits) and then send the new quantities back to Ecwid.

How do I create a zap that updates the stock quantities in Google Sheets based on an order from Ecwid?



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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Linda G 

Good question.

Since Orders can have multiple line items, you’ll need to handle those individually by iterating thru them with the Looping app:


Try these Zap actions within the Loop:

  • GSheets - Find Row
  • GSheets - Update Row