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When using the aweber “update subscriber” option, I’d really like to send information to a custom field that i made in aweber my self (ex. “Current URL”), but i see no way to select my custom fields under the “update subscriber zap”. My custom fields show just fine under the “create subscriber” option though. Is it possible to have custom fields show under the “update subscriber” option as well? Thank you for your time & assistance :)

If it’s not available as an option in the native Zapier app, it is available via a patch request via their API:{accountId}~1lists~1{listId}~1subscribers/patch

Thank you very much Todd, Unfortunately I wouldn’t even know where to begin with coding😅 

Are you saying that using this method would allow me to utilize my custom fields on zapier? My primary goal is to connect an app called Tidio to my aweber: sending the user’s URL from tidio to aweber, but, there’s no section for my custom field on aweber in order to successfully connect the two.

Hope I explained well enough😅 

Hi @GoldenGramz 


You really dont need “coding” skills to use Webhooks by Zapier , check out this video I found that explains it very easily :)

Hi @GoldenGramz,

Yes, I am saying that this method would allow you to utilize your custom fields on Zapier :)

As @MohSwellam suggested, you don’t really need coding skills to use a webhook. Just some basic comprehension of what it is you’re looking at when reading through the API documentation :)

In the screenshot below, I’ve copied and pasted the JSON data needed from the AWeber API documentation and highlighted the things you will need to change.

First, create a Webhooks by Zapier step, choose “Custom Request” as the event, and “PATCH” as the method. Then fill in all the details below:

If you need more help than this, I would recommend reaching out to a Zapier Expert ( who can help you out with your specific use case :)

Hi there @GoldenGramz - just checking in and see if you need any more help on this thread- I know that APIs can seem scary, but we’re here to make sure you can get where ya need to go! 

Hope all is well with everyone, thank you very much for all of your help & assistance. I’ll be honest, it’s a bit overwhelming lol. This part is just the beginning of what I’d like to accomplish fully & it’s gonna require some study. I’m new to the concept but I think I may outsource due to the learning curve. But any recommendation on where to start with my learning would truly be appreciated🙏🏿😌

@GoldenGramz I completely understand feeling overwhelmed by it. When I first started working with webhooks about two years ago, I was totally overwhelmed as well. Zapier recently released this getting started guide for using webhooks with some pretty good examples to get you playing with webhooks before your first real setup:

Hey friends! I wanted to pop in and confirm what some of ya’ll have discovered - custom fields aren’t supported by the “Update Subscriber” AWeber action. 😔

:sad saxophone noise:

I did some digging though and it looks like there is an open feature request for this! I went ahead and added your vote to that @GoldenGramz. While it doesn’t guarantee implementation it’s the best way to stay in the loop if that changes. We’ll also be sure to keep the topic updated with any news.

All that said, as @MohSwellam and @Todd Harper have identified a possible workaround to achieve this is using Webhooks by Zapier.

While it may seem intimidating at first, there are a ton of incredible resources! Plus once you’re up and running if you’re needing specific help with troubleshooting your zap we have a Code & Webhooks forum where some of our more techy members hang out.

🔗I’ve also consolidated some of the resources shared in this thread here and added a few as well:

Todd also shared this awesome screenshot of proper JSON formatting:

In the screenshot below, I’ve copied and pasted the JSON data needed from the AWeber API documentation and highlighted the things you will need to change.

First, create a Webhooks by Zapier step, choose “Custom Request” as the event, and “PATCH” as the method. Then fill in all the details below:


And finally, if you’d rather not fuss with any of this, that’s fine too! It might be worth looking into hiring a Zapier Expert to take on the task of building this for you. Our Experts are absolutely top-notch, as you may have noticed (both the community members helping in this thread are Experts)!

I hope this is helpful! Please keep in the loop with your progress - we’d love to know how you’re getting along. 🧡

Hi friends! 👋

I'm excited to announce that custom fields are now supported on the Update Subscriber action, in the latest version (1.0.4) of the AWeber app! 🎉 

So if you head over to your Zaps you should now be able to set values for custom fields when updating subscribers in AWeber. If you run into any trouble on that at all please do reach out in the Community to let us know, we’re always happy to help! 🙂