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When installing my zapier account I left all the boxes checked where the rights are definined. I’d like to change this, but can’t find the place where I can do it. I deleted my first Zap because I thought I could start the process from the beginning. But this window didn’t show up again.

Can you help me please?



Hey there @Launch Lizard - let us know how you progress and if you hit any other roadbumps, we’re happy to help! 

I’ll try

Hi @Launch Lizard. Thanks for joining the Community! 🙂

Ah, what you’ll want to do here is disconnect (delete) the Discord app connection itself. Then add a new app connection.

We have a couple of guides that help explain how to do that:

And if you restore the deleted Zap, then you can pick up where you left off and connect it to Discord with the desired permissions. 

Hope that helps. Please do keep us in the loop on how that goes!