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I’m pretty new at this. So I’m pretty happy that I was able to create a Zap that uses a trigger of “new calendar event” in Outlook, to create a copy of that event on another calendar without Outlook. That works great. 

However, if I delete the event or update it, it does not seem to also update the zapped copy. How do I get it to do that? 

Hi @Jamal ,

For updated event, you will have to create another Zap and use ‘Updated Calendar Event’ trigger from Outlook.

For delete, you can try to test if ‘Updated Calendar Event’ is also triggered if an event is deleted from Outlook. If it doesn’t, you may have to use Webhook trigger for this case.

Let me know if it helps!

Hi @Jamal, welcome to the Community! 👋

Just wanted to check in here to see how you got on with agileop’s suggestion here? Happy to assist if you’re still running into issues here! 🙂