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I am creating a chatbot, and I believe I need a Zapier table to get the live updated information. My issue is that I need information from every cell in the Google sheet because every column is a different variable, and every row represents a different entity. What I am saying is that each cell is a different number that is automatically updated via apps script to the google sheet, but with zapier I can only seem to update one row at a time when I need every row to update, and there are nearly 500 rows. This table is where the chatbot gets its live data from, so it must be the newest info for it to be useful. Could someone please help in explaining a way for me to make this work without having to go through every row individually. I tried looping and that didn’t seem to work. I just must be missing something because this it seems like zapier would have an easy sort of solution for this type of thing. Thanks in Advance!

Hi @zap_man2050, welcome to the Community! 🎉 

It sounds as though you’re wanting to update a Zapier Table (that’s being used as a data source for a Zapier Chatbot) with new information from a Google Sheet to ensure that the chatbot always has the most up to date information, right?

If so, then you’d want to use a Zap with the following trigger and actions to run on each added/updated row and then find the corresponding record in the table update it and add it if it doesn’t:

  • Trigger: New or Updated Spreadsheet Row (Google Sheets) - runs when a value is updated or a new row is added.
  • Action: Find Record (Zapier Tables) - searches for the relevant record (has the ability to create one if it’s not found).
  • Action: Only Continue If... (Filter by Zapier) - only continues to the next action if an existing record is found (if the _zap_search_was_found_status field contains the value “true” then that indicates that a record was found).
  • Action: Update Record (Zapier Tables) - updates the record with the new information mapped from the trigger


This would ensure that the Zapier table is updated whenever there’s a new row added to the Google Sheets spreadsheet, or an update is made to an existing row by the apps script. However, this wouldn’t mean that the chatbot’s knowledge source is automatically updated. This is because currently knowledge sources for chatbots need to be manually re-synced. So you’d need to manually re-sync the data regularly using the instructions outlined here: Re-sync your Zapier table

That said, manually re-syncing isn’t ideal so I’d recommend reaching out to the Chatbots team here to submit a feature request for the ability to have knowledge source data in a Zapier Table re-synced automatically. 

Hope that helps. Please do let me know if you have any follow up questions or if there’s anything else I can assist with in the meantime! 🙂

Hi @zap_man2050!

Just wanted to follow up here to share that it’s now possible (for folks on Pro/Advanced Chatbot plans) to automatically sync knowledge sources for Zapier Chatbots! 😁

Check out our Sync or schedule a sync for a knowledge source for Chatbots guide for more details on how to set that up. Happy Zapping! ⚡️
