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How do I trigger Zap with text to send to ChatGPT?



I will add text to a text field, and then i want that to be sent to ChatGPT. This seems to be impossible however.


Any kind of trigger for Notion, Google Docs, Google Sheets, cannot take text. I know it sounds crazy, but theres literally no zap that can take text and then move it somewhere else. I’ve tried everything.


All i want, is to manually start a zap with about 1 page of text. Any zap i’ve made where i create a database item, upload the text to a document etc, can see that something happened, but it doesn’t bring over the content. Theres about 50 things i brings over, but ‘’content’’ or ‘’text’’ is not one of them.

How tf can this be so hard.

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Idc32 

To help us have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured so we can see which apps and events you are trying to use in each step.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Idc32 👋

You’re right, the New Database Item trigger for Notion doesn’t output the contents of the item itself. There’s an existing feature request for this that’s been discussed here:

I’ve added your vote that feature request to help increase it’s priority. I can’t give an estimate as to when it may be implemented by but we’ll notify you by email if it is.

You mentioned that you’ve had the same issue with the triggers for Google Docs and Google Sheets, which is odd as they appear to do supply the text for new files and spreadsheet rows. For example the Google Docs New Document trigger will output the text from the file in a field called File Raw Plaintext Content:

With Google Sheets if it’s not supplying the text for the new row that was added then there may be an issue with the setup of the spreadsheet. See the Work with Google Sheets in Zaps guide for more details on the requirement setup for Google Sheets.

Hope that helps. If you have any further questions or if there’s anything else I can assist with just let me know! 🙂