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Hello I am building a zap that when an email comes from a specific label within my companies gmail account it triggers a call to my company phone number. Basically if I am asleep and a certain client emails it wakes me up. (Open to other suggestions as a solution as well). When adding my numbers to call from and to it does not allow me to select an outbound number from ring. Any idea how to specifically add a number into this field?


Hi @Pierced570 

Help article from RingCentral for their Zap app:


Related Zapier Community topics for RingCentral that may provide guidance:

I have read through the guide unfortunately it only applies if the number I am trying to contact comes from GMAIL. I want to lock in a number that it sends from and send to every time. I need a way to input a piece of hard data into my string of commands for it to pull from. Or a way to add a custom number into the outbound call. I couldn't find that in the user guide though. Any additional help from the community is greatly appreciated.


You can use the ‘Custom’ tab to set a static value for a field. as long as the value is valid for the expected format.