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When a customer buys my coaching service on a recurring plan via stripe, I wish to trigger an onboarding questionnaire to be sent upon sign up.


What is the right label for this trigger on stripe? ’Checkout session completed’


I don’t want the questionnaire to be sent on any Recurring payment after the initial one has been paid. 

Hi @Karl Fitz,


Welcome to the Community.


To send an onboarding questionnaire only upon initial sign-up and not on recurring payments in Zapier, use the “New Customer” trigger in Stripe. Set up a new Zap with Stripe as the trigger app and select “New Customer” as the trigger event. Connect your Stripe account, test the trigger, and then set up the action using your chosen app (for example, Gmail or Mailchimp) to send the questionnaire. Test the action to ensure the email is sent correctly, and then activate your Zap. This means the questionnaire is sent only when a new customer is created in Stripe.


Let us know if this helps you jump-start your Zap. 

Hi @Karl Fitz 

You can log your Stripe transactions into a lookup table to use in the Zap.


Zap Steps

  1. Trigger: Stripe - Checkout Session Completed
  2. Action: (one of these will work)
    1. GSheets - Lookup/Create Row
      1. If existing row is not found, then a new row will be created
    2. Airtable - Find/Create Record
      1. If existing record is not found, then a new record will be created
    3. Zapier Tables - Find/Create Record
      1. If existing record is not found, then a new record will be created
  3. Action: Filter
    1. Found = false
      1. This will make sure the Zap only continues when a new row/record was created
  4. Action: UP TO YOU

Hi @Karl Fitz 👋

Just came across this and wanted to check how things are going. Did either of the suggestions from Jammer or Troy help to get things sorted?

We’re happy to help further if you’re still stuck at all - just let us know!