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I created some Zaps that would notify me when a Linear ticket was updated and the status was “QA Review”. The problem is anytime a ticket is in QA Review and is changed it triggers the Zap. 

How do I get the Zap to only trigger when a ticket is moved to the status of “QA Review”

Hi there @Nate8282,

I noticed that you have reached out our Support Team regarding this question, and it seems like you have found a solution of using Webhooks instead.

Would you mind sharing the setup here so that our other awesome Community members who might have a similar issue might find this helpful?

Thanks! 😊

That was a different issue. I was hoping there was a more built-in way to detect ticket status changes so I wouldn’t have to store historic data to track when a change happened.

Hi @Nate8282,

I apologize for the misunderstanding.

You can probably add a Filter by Zapier step to for the Zap to only continue if the status changed to “QA Review”

You can learn more about the Filter by Zapier action here:

Hopefully, this helps!

That’s the problem I’m having when filtering using the ticket status there is no previous state to check for. The filter on are

Does Not Exist

I’m just going to use a webhook again to get the info directly from Linear and filter on that. I was just hoping there was something built in for such a common thing as ticket status change, but I’ll just do it the harder way.

Hi @Nate8282,

I think as long as the trigger returns the “Status” field. You can map the status field to the first option of the Filter step, then use the “Exactly matches” option, then type the “QA Review” data to the last option of the Filter step for the Zap to only continue when the “Status” field changes to “QA Review.” Here’s an example:

(view larger)

Does this work for you? Please let me know.
