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Hey guys!!I have a problem that I have tried several alternatives and have not found a solution.I will explain my situation:I need to synchronize Cloudbeads to collect the information about the room number where the reservation was made so that I can create a trigger that sends this data to collect the password that has already been saved previouslyI have doubts as follows, about using a spreadsheet with 2 columns with the room and password fieldwhere the ideal would be where the information output would only be compatible with the information that came from cloudbeadsI think of a spreadsheet or some other way of storing these passwords

Hi @VictorPaes 

Good question.

Check out the concept of a lookup table:



Hello, I managed to perform this function using Zapier's internal tables, but now I need a function that Zapier has available, but I thought something was missing, in the timer option, it gives a time option, and an entry and time option and There is no pause option. I need the activity I want to automate to be carried out between 18:00 and 00:00, but I only found the entry option


Please post screenshots to clarify what you are referring to for the entry/time option.

The first image is the model I want to set up for automation, the second trigger being the time, but I'm testing in another field to confirm before adding, and I need a timer, where these functions only work at a certain moment, but in this schedule function only has the option to add the start time and no stop.



Check out the related topics for “business hours”:

Hello, I made the necessary changes, but the system still doesn't work as it's supposed to work, I'll explain how I thought it would be, I really don't know where the error is.1 the system must capture a new reservation2 should only continue if the reservation date is the same as the check in date3 a time delay, what we want is that this trigger should only advance if it is after 18:00 and at the latest until 00:004 the timer that starts at 18:00 and waits for 6 hours until it stops5 the spreadsheet field to capture the passwords and the respective room number6 sending the email with the passwordMy question is that in theory it should work, but that's not what happens, I don't know what else to do, if any trigger should be before any other.



Have you tried turning the Zap ON and testing?

Then check your Zap Runs history to see the DATA IN/OUT for each Zap step to help you troubleshoot.


You should remove the invalid mapped variable.



We have already activated it, and let it work for a while, and we identified that the date field is not working, I believe it is correct. the filter is: it should only continue if the date is the same, but as you can see, it advanced even with different dates :/



Among the options available for the trigger to be the Check in date being equal to the reservation date, I believe it would be this one, but when I add this option, Zapier displays this error



These values have different formats:


I tested it with this trigger, but when filtering it, it lets it pass even with different dates

Hi @VictorPaes!

Hope you don’t mind me jumping in here but I just came across this thread and noticed that in your most recent screenshot, the filter is checking the same field to see if it’s an exact match for itself:

So that may well be why it’s letting it pass even when there’s different date values supplied for the Assigned > Start Date field as it will always be able to find a match for itself.

For the previous set up that was comparing the value in the Date Created field with the Assigned > Start Date field, it wasn’t an error that was showing. It’s more of a warning to let you know that the Zap would not have continued for the values provided in that test, in case you were expecting it to have continued:

But as Troy mentioned, the two date values are formatted differently. So you’ll want to reformat one of those fields to match the same date formatting as the other field and then select the reformatted value in the filter. Otherwise the filter will not be able to find an exact match for the date value it’s looking for.

So you’ll want to add in a Formatter by Zapier action ahead of the filter to adjust the format of a date. See our Modify date and time formats in Zaps guide for more details on how to do that.

Hope that helps. If I’ve misunderstood the situation here or you run into any further trouble at all just let us know - happy to help further! 🙂