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From my lead capture page, I want my appointment date scheduled by a prospect to go into a project template in Asana as the due date for a certain task. The template is already created with the specific tasks so I just need the date from calendar to populate to the right task. Is that possible? 

Hi @TMP 

You would probably have to find that Task that was created, the update that Task to set the date.

Hi Troy,

Thanks for responding. So are you saying I will have to do it manually? The task is already plugged into the template, and I did get a zap where I got the date there but it would be for a new task and not the one already plugged in. Additionally, the date in the action step is not the date I want to use. 


Try these Zap steps:

Action: Asana - Find Task in Project

Action: Asana - Update Task


Awesome. I used find task in project in Asana. Now the problem is I can’t find the correct date in the task name. The date I need is directly off the calendar (scheduled appointment), but these options are only giving me the lead capture form date entered.


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