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How do I successfully create Jira tickets from Intercom bug tickets using Zapier?

  • 9 August 2024
  • 2 replies

I am trying to generate jira tickets from intercom tickets. Basically what I want is when a bug ticket is created in intercom, I want a corresponding ticket created in Jira. I’ve tried multiple times and can’t seem to get the right info and the tests all fail. There is no guide that I can find on how to do this on zapier or my google and youtube searches. I’ve only found another community post that hasn’t been answered and has been closed. Can anyone help me out with this?

Hi @mikelshikel 

For us to have more info, post screenshots with:

  • How your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode
  • Any encountered errors when testing Zap steps

Hi @mikelshikel 👋

Were you since able to get this sorted? If so, we’d love it if you could share details of how you solved it. This helps other folks in Community looking to achieve the same thing. 

If not and you’d like some further help just share some screenshots as Troy mentioned earlier and we’ll be happy to assist. Please remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing.

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!
