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how to integrate messenger to with this scenario:

Customer Sends messege to messenger and on the moday full conversation goes into one item. It’s kind of Asap for me i am small buisness owner

Hi @Alagi!

It sounds like the problem you have is that the messenger trigger only gives you the most recent message and you want to update a record in Monday so it has all of the messages from the conversation, is that right?

If so, you will need to and a Find step into your Zap. Ask the Zap to find the relevant record in Monday, which should give you any previous messages that are there. In the Update step of your Zap, first add the previous messages from the Monday step, then add the message from Messenger. When Monday is updated, it will have the information that was there previously and the new message. 

I hope that helps, if that doesn’t answer your question, please could you give us some more information? Specifically, it would really help if we knew:

  • Which messenger app are you using and which trigger?
  • What action are you using? And what is it you need to update?
