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Hey all! I have a question. I am building a ZAP that goes from JotForm to Google Sheet. It’s for a client who owns a ski rental company. The JotForm allows for up to 10 users (renters). When the ZAP is triggered is provides all the info in one row of a spreadsheet. The client needs the info to be delivered so that each user has their own row. How do I tell Zapier to seperate each user and create a new row for each user?

Hi @smarch678 

That depends on how the data is returned from Jotform for each of the 10 users (renters).

Can you post screenshots showing how the data is returned from the Jotform Zap trigger step for the users info?

Hi @smarch678 

That depends on how the data is returned from Jotform for each of the 10 users (renters).

Can you post screenshots showing how the data is returned from the Jotform Zap trigger step for the users info?

Hey @Troy Tessalone 

Sorry, can you please explain “returned” for me? I am not sure what you are looking for?


Test the Zap trigger step.

Show screenshots of the returned data.

@Troy Tessalone 


and it goes on from there. There are a lot of fields.

@Troy Tessalone 

This is what the client wants:

RES is the primary contact info for the reservation holder and user are the various people in their group.


From the Jotfrom Zap step DATA OUT, it appears that each User has their own set of fields. (e.g. User 1)

One approach is to use a separate GSheet Create Row step for each User via Paths.

Each Path has a Filter that you can set conditions to make sure a User’s info exists from Jotform.

So you would have 10 Paths in your case, 1 for each possible User.


@Troy Tessalone 

would you be willing to jump on a zoom screen share? 


If you need help, consider hiring a Certified Zapier Expert (like myself):

@Troy Tessalone 


If I go the paths route vs line item route, will users who do not exist still get flooded over to Sheet? For example, if I create 10 paths, and the client only enters 4 users (renters) will the Sheet still fill the remaining rows with blank info?


Not if the Zap step logic is configured correctly.

e.g. Path 5 should only proceed if there is Data for User 5, which those conditions can be set to check in the Path 5 Filter.
