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Salve , vorrei fare un’automazione semplicissima ma non mi riesce settare i dati.
Devo collegare la mia GMAIL ai miei fogli google Sheet, in modo tale che una mail ricevuta di questo tipo:





DATA: 10/12/2024

Sia inserita nel foglio google con ogni riga in una diversa cella , esempio “ORDINE NUMERO - XXXX0000
= Cella A2, ACQUISTO:  100€ = Cella B2 ecc….”
Al momento riesco solo a far incollare il corpo completo della mail in una cella ma non va bene .
Potete aiutarmi??

Moderator translation to English:
Hi, I would like to do a very simple automation but I can't set the data.I need to connect my GMAIL to my Google Sheets, so that a received email of this type:ORDER NUMBER - XXXX0000 PURCHASE: €100CREDIT NOTE: €50ITEM: €120DATE: 10/12/2024It is inserted in the Google Sheet with each row in a different cell, for example "ORDER NUMBER - XXXX0000= Cell A2, PURCHASE: €100 = Cell B2 etc..”At the moment I can only paste the complete body of the email into a cell but that's not good.Can you help me??

Hi there @Alexbaggia,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I would suggest that you use Email Parser for your needs. You can learn more about Email Parser by Zapier here:

Hopefully, this helps!