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I have some line item data I need to add an element to. Sometimes, the line item already has elements in it; sometimes it starts empty. At first, I just added the element like this:


>original data], new data


But then, if foriginal data] is empty, there is an empty element before the new data.


Now, I’m doing this:

  1. Transform Line-item to Text: eoriginal data]
  2. Transform Spreadsheet-Style Formula: IF(ISBLANK("{{text-ized line item}}"),"new data","{{text-ized line item}},new data")
  3. Transform Text to Line-item

This seems way overly complicated. Is there a simpler approach? 

I thought Line Itemizer could help, but it only seems to work for arrays of objects, not simple arrays of strings.


Hi @michaelkn 

For us to have more context, please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured along with specific examples.

Here are screenshots:






How are you trying to use the data after the Formatter steps? (screenshots are helpful for us to have context)

There’s a field in a later Action step that sends data to Airtable to a multiple-choice field that accepts arrays of data:




Try this…

You may not need the Formatter steps.

In the Airtable field, map the values like this:



That way if there are no dynamic variable values, Airtable should ignore after the first comma.

Yes, that’s what I tried first, but Airtable unfortunately doesn’t ignore it, and creates an empty element (regardless of the order of the static and dynamic content).


Try simplifying the formula to this.

If there are dynamic values, then DYNAMIC],STATIC
Else, just STATIC

