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How do I setup ChatGPT to auto-fill new topics in a Notion database on Zapier?

  • 10 January 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello everyone, 

I'm just starting out on Zapier and I'm already aiming for my first automation. 

My context is simple. 

I have a notion database, I want that as soon as I create a new topic, my prompt generates the answer to this topic and then fills my notion database automatically. 

I've got everything set up, but when it comes to setting up chat gpt in my notion database, I don't know what to put. I'm a bit lost...

I'd love your help! :) 

Hello there @Benjiwind. Welcome to the Community! 👋 

Happy to help with this. Could you provide some more details about which parts specifically you're unsure about? Is it the prompt writing aspect or are there any specific fields/settings on the ChatGPT action that you’re unsure about? Once I have a bit more context on aspects you’re getting stuck on I’ll be better able to assist. 

And any screenshots you could share to help convey the issues you might be running into with this would be much appreciated. Please remove or hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from the screenshots before sharing.

In the meantime I thought I’d share a couple of guides that you might find useful:

Look forward to working through this together!