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How do I setup a threaded Slack notification when spreadsheet is updated?

  • 14 October 2021
  • 3 replies

Okay my problem I have or I am not sure if this is possible I have a spreadsheet with 3 sheets that gets entries from a google form


What I am trying to do?

When a User submits a form they also submit a Unique ID with I am trying to get it so when I get a notification of a new submission in slack it posts it then when in form 2 and in form 3 is submitted with the same ID it is threaded

Hey @Ricky584 ,


I am still not clear with your problem. Do you want to receive all the 3 form submissions by a single user in respective Slack Thread?  (Eg A user will submit 3 forms with an unique Id and you want to receive submissions in respective thread)

Hey @Ricky584 ,


I am still not clear with your problem. Do you want to receive all the 3 form submissions by a single user in respective Slack Thread?  (Eg A user will submit 3 forms with an unique Id and you want to receive submissions in respective thread)

Correct thats what I want


That's possible to build the Zap. When user submits first form,record unique Id and slack Thread id somewhere for eg Google Sheet. When user submits 2nd and 3rd form, with unique id search for Slack Thread id and send message on Slack to this thread id.