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How do I set up Slack notifications for specific Google Drive folder updates?

  • 18 August 2023
  • 3 replies

Hey guys, I have a collision repair center and we use google drive and Slack on a daily basis. In our repair procedure, we document pictures of everything, then added to google drive. I would like to create a notification on slack when a new picture is added. When a work order is created, it creates a sub-folder, with a 4-digit unique ID, and then in this folder are 6 subfolders: Before repair, during repair, after repair, supplement repair, invoice files, and procedure files. I would only like to receive notifications when pictures are added to ‘’supplement repair’’ since it is the only file I need to take immediate action on. This would save us precious time. 


There’s two problem I encounter when trying to create such notification. 1: I want the message on slack to show the unique ID in the message but this data doesn’t seem to be pushed. 


2: The only option there seems to be is when a new file is added in all of my google drives, doesn’t seem like I can choose the folder where all my work orders are, which will create unnecessary notifications. 


Does anyone have a walk around this? Thanks for all your help, I appreciate this community a lot ! 

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @jimrup05 

Good question.

Can you provide a screenshot of an example GDrive folder structure for us to have more context?

Here is my google drive setup, all the work orders are within a subfolder with a unique ID (work order number 1823 in this case), within this folder, pictures are added to the circled file. 


Every time a car enters our shop those are automatically generated. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


If photos were added with a certain naming convention, then you could Filter on that and get the desired ID.

e.g. [ID]_P+A_[TITLE]
