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I have 1200 locations for which I want to learn if reviews have come in and, more importantly, if the location owner/manager has replied to them. How can I do this in Zapier?

Hi @kaypeedee,


Please tell us more to ensure we understand what you're trying to accomplish. What is your end goal with this Zap? Could you outline it step-by-step? If you can phrase it in the "When A happens in Service X, B should happen in Service Y" format, that will help us give you the best suggestion possible, so thank you in advance! 


We want to ensure we're on the same page so I can point you in the right direction!

Sure. I have 1000+ locations for which I want to see if a review has been replied to. This is done in order to track which location owners/managers are actively maintaining their profiles. My idea was to track the reviews and their replies using Zapier and posting this to Google sheets, where I can then run stats on how many  reviews have been received and how many locations have replied to those reviews.

Hi there @kaypeedee,

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to trigger on multiple locations in the current Google Business Profile integration. However, we do have an existing feature request for this exact functionality.

I have added you to the feature request. That does a few things:

  • Bring this to the attention of the integration developers
  • Help track interest in this feature being implemented
  • Allows us to notify you via email if this feature becomes available in the future

While I don't have an ETA on when this feature might be implemented, we will notify you via email if it is!

In the meantime, you can stay in the loop/follow along with updates on the main thread here: 

Hopefully, this helps.


For anyone that comes across this and wants to be added please reach out on the main topic for this issue here and we’ll get you added to the bug report.

Hello @kaypeedee 

Create a multi step Zap to monitor reviews and responses from 1,200 locations. first; use a review aggregator app; such as google my business; to identify fresh reviews. then, construct a filter step to ensure that you only receive alerts for specified locations. next; include a find a comment action to determine whether the manager has responded. i hope this will helpful for your work🤗
