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How do I set up a Zap to send specific automated emails based on retreat bookings from Regiondo?

Hello Everyone, 

unfortunately I couldn’t find any relating article to this. 

I have set up Regiondo (booking platform) with Mailchimp. The goal is: When someone books a Retreat over Regiondo we want to send the customer an automated series of mails until the Event starts. 

First question: I can only select a specific already existing customer booking and not a general “tag” like “Apnoe & Yoga Retreat” as a trigger. How do I know know that Zapier uses the correct product for the following mails?

Second question adding up: We have one Retreat starting in July and one in September.  You can choose this in a drop down field on Regiondo. We would like to welcome the customers with “Welcome in July” and “Welcome in September” … How does that work if the Zap starts from the same booking page?

I created the following journey in Zapier: 

I choose everything correctly, yet I keep getting those Pop-ups when I try to test: 

What did I do wrongly here? 


Thank YOU so so much for your help!


Kind regards, 


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3 replies

Troy Tessalone

Hi @My-Arise-Anna 

For us to have more context, we will need to see how your Zap steps are configured in EDIT mode.


You may need to use Paths:

Hi Troy,

thank you so much for replying. 

I will put some screenshots, so you can see the steps I put in: (I hope this is what you mean) 

After connecting Regiondo & Mailchimp I set up the following when a new booking is done:

The Trigger I set is the following: 

My problem starts here at Test: 

  • Why is it showing me only the last three bookings? (In this case it is the product I want to do the automation for, but we have several listen on Regiondo)
  • This is also the product that starts in July & September, also can’t see which one is selected here
  • When I select a booking and test the connection, I receive the Error I mentioned in my last post



Next I set up Mailchimp for the start of an E-Mail series participants shall receive before the Retreat: 

This is the first Welcome E-Mail that should be sent out 

Then in the Test area this error appears: 

Next step works in setting delays, no problem here. 

So it repeats every time I set up an E-Mail from the campaign. 


I hope this helps, so you can help me. I am a bit under pressure, never worked with Zapier and my client wants it done yesterday. 🧐


Thank you so much, 


Troy Tessalone


To filter the Zap trigger data, you can use a Filter step or Paths.


You may want to try this approach.

  • In Mailchimp, configure a Customer Journey triggered by a Tag.
  • In the Zap, use this action: Mailchimp - Add/Update Subscriber
  • Add the Tag that will trigger the Mailchimp Customer Journey.