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I am currently working on an automation that involves Stripe, PandaDoc, and Gmail. Is it possible to make this filter?

Condition: PandaDoc Document status is Paid, payment is 1st


If above condition is True, send an onboarding email to the customer via Gmail.


Hi @Jeff Man 

What would be used as the Zap trigger step? (app - event)

To help us have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured.

Hi @Jeff Man 

What would be used as the Zap trigger step? (app - event)

To help us have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured.

Thanks for your reply, Troy. Kindly see attached screenshot of the draft zap. Below would be the flow.


  1. New customer is added in Stripe.
  2. Create a contract document from a PandaDoc template with payment app feature.
  3. Check if a document status is updated to Paid, and it is a 1st payment. If these conditions are satisfied…
  4. Send an onboarding email to the new customer via Gmail.

I basically want to automate the onboarding of a new customer up to onboarding email.

@Jeff Man 

Can you post screenshots with how each Zap step is configured in EDIT mode to give us more context and elaborate where you are having issues configuring the step.

Honestly Troy, I am having problem connecting PandaDoc with Zapier and I found out that it is because it requires at least a PandaDoc business plan, we are currently in Essentials plan. I will ask approval from our CEO to upgrade our PandaDoc plan but I need to be sure 1st that the automation that I am planning is doable with Zapier and PandaDoc. My concern right now is if 1st payment of a document in PandaDoc’s payment app feature (integrating Stripe as the payment processor) is possible. If it is, I can create a filter in my zap to only process PandaDoc document that has status “Paid” and it is the 1st payment. I reached out to PandaDoc’s support but they referred me here.

@Jeff Man 

You’ll probably want to use a different Stripe Zap trigger:

What data point and in which app will indicate the 1st payment. (e.g. Is that a Stripe Subscription?)

Help articles for using PandaDoc in Zaps:

Thank you for these resources, @Troy Tessalone. I will check these out.

Hello there, @Jeff Man 👋 

Just wanted to check in here to see how things are going. Were you able to get things sorted with the help of those resources Troy linked to? 

Keen to ensure you’re all set so please let us know if you’re still in need of any assistance here! 🙂