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Hi, Bear with me, I’m a newbie here! I’m trying to set up a zap so ChatGPT drafts a reply to all emails into my Gmail inbox that have a label of "inbox" and do not have a label "boomerang-returned". 

When setting up the zap, I have selected “Conversation” as the action ChatGPT will be doing (as per advice from the bot) and under this, it is asking me to complete a required field called "user message". I have chatted to the bot and it has told me to put the content of the email here, but the content of each email is going to be different.

Have I done something wrong? Or perhaps I am trying to set up a zap that does not exist?

I have the pro ChatGPT account. I currently have a free Zapier account. I'm happy to upgrade it to a paid one if need be, but it hasn't told me I need to do that though.

Any help very much appreciated. 


Hi @Saz 

For us to have more info, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in edit mode.

Help link for configuring action steps:

Hi Troy,

Thanks for coming back to me.

I’ve attached screenshots of the zap set up (I have blanked out my email address on a couple of them, just in case you wonder why there is a white space).

The last 2 screenshots are of the same screen (2 different views of it as I couldn't;t get it onto one screenshot).



If you want ChatGPT to use the Body of the email address, then map variables that represent the Body of the email.

Search for “body” to narrow down the list of related body variables.

There should be a variable for text body content and html body content.


H Troy, Does ‘Body’ of the email mean content within the email? (I’m assuming it does)

If it does, every email in my inbox is going to be different - from different people, saying different things, with different subject lines. So there will be no common ground. The only thing in common will be that the emails have:

  1. Just arrived
  2. Have a label “inbox”
  3. Don’t have a label “boomerang-returned)

This basically is every email that comes into my inbox that is not picked up by a rule, excluding any that have boomeranged back into my inbox (by the Boomerang software that integrates with Gmail). 

I'm wondering if I'm trying to do something not possible, by expecting ChatGPT to reply to ALL emails in my inbox regardless of what they say or who they are from?


Help link for how to configure Zap action steps to use dynamic variables:


If you want ChatGPT to use the Body of the email address, then map variables that represent the Body of the email.

Search for “body” to narrow down the list of related body variables.

There should be a variable for text body content and html body content.

Thanks Troy. They still doesn't answer my question I’m afraid. Do you know if Zapier have Customer support that I can contact? Thanks


If you are looking to hire help, there is a directory of Certified Zapier Experts:

Zapier Support:


This is how it would look to map a dynamic variable between Zap steps.

