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Hi, im searching to create a automation trigger by the payment completion from a specific invoice i got in payfunnel. With the option offer via the field im not able to get the results i need.

So here i will try to put in step what happen and what i need to happen.

Into Payfunnel:
Invoice A
Invoice B
Invoice C

Trigger for my Zap would be:
.. when a payment is received from Invoice C but not A or B
.. a copy of the detail the customer enter for the payement (billing adresse, shipping adresse, etc) would be send as copy to an email.


My issue is that im not able to isolated a specific invoice… and from then i can’t test for the email part.

Does any one have an idea for this to work?


Welcome to the Community! 🎉

You might need to use Filter By Zapier for the Zap to only continue if the data from your app meets that condition. You can learn more about Filter By Zapier here:

Hopefully, this helps!