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How do I send each phone number a unique message in Twilio + Google Sheets?

  • 20 July 2022
  • 4 replies



I have a pretty simple workflow but I can’t understand how to implement it. I have a google sheets with two columns, Phone number, and Message. I want to loop over all rows and have Twilio send each phone number the corresponding message.

The other question here is similar but I don’t have enough context to implement it:

First of all, “find rows” seems to require a value to find a row, and I don’t need to subset it by any specific value. I just want the rows. “get rows” is confusing because of the output of the function. I want it to “get” separately the phone number cell, and the message cell, so that one can go into the “recipient” of twilio, and one can go in the “message” as a variable. I think it requires some fancy line-item formatting but I don’t understand how zapier does this. Thank you!

Hi @synapticlee 

Good question.

Check out this related topic:


Hey @synapticlee 

Try this new solution: 


Hey @synapticlee ,


Great question! I’m not super familiar with Twilio, but there’s a lot of text messaging tools out there that can handle this pretty easily.

For starters, you can use a tool like MessageDesk (a shared team inbox for text messaging and text-blasts) to easily upload a CSV and send each contact a unique message.

You can even leverage Zapier and MessageDesk to connect the CSV and upload + send that way. you would just need to iterate through the spreadsheet using Zapier and use the “Create Contact” & “Send Message” zap supported by MessageDesk.


You can even create a third column on your Google sheet for “message content” and send a unique message for each contact if you want. 

MessageDesk Integrations | Connect Your Apps with Zapier › apps › messagedesk › integrations

Hey there, @synapticlee! I wanted to check-in and see if any of these recommendations helped get ya on track? Keep us posted! 🤗