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I want to send an email every morning with a table from google sheets but I can’t get the table to format correctly in the email.

I want it to put each account on a new line so its easier to read


Hi @gb123 

Good question.

Will depend on which email Body Type you are using: TEXT or HTML

Try using these options: Formatter > Utilities > options with line items

Hi @gb123 

Good question.

Will depend on which email Body Type you are using: TEXT or HTML

Try using these options: Formatter > Utilities > options with line items

@Troy Tessalone 

I received this error. im trying to do this with TEXT


We would need to see screenshots with how your Formatter step is configured.


@Troy Tessalone 


Try using a different option.

You are trying to convert line items to text

You may need to use the Line Itemizer option.