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Hi. I’m a beginner and I think this is an easy task but I'm suck here for several days. 

I'm receiving multiple rows in a batch coming from an Google Spreadsheet. Then I want to publish them in Linkedin/TW one by one. The problem: I want to schedule the publication of each one of the rows: difference +1h each one, specific time, etc. But now all the rows I receive are published instantly at the same time. I've tried different options/zaps but can't find the way.


Any help is really appreciated. Thanks. 


Hi @jumabe 

Good question.

To help us have more context, please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.

Thanks for your reply.

Sure, here have the set up. Following Zapier Support advise I’ve added a delay step with the formula {{zap_meta_human_now_unix + (3600 * loop.index)}} to add 1 hour to the current time for each row. But still it’s not working and all the rows are being posted at the same time.




That is not a valid value for the Date/Time Delayed Until



For dynamic system generated timestamps:


Info about date/time modifiers:



If you are trying to do calculations, then you will likely need to add a step: