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Hi everyone

the setup shhould be staight forward, but is unfortuantely no working.

My trigger is a new attachement in a specific folder in Gmail, which is daily a “Data.csv”

This should be replaced at Gdrive in order to keep the same URL. In the action I’ve chosen Replace File in Google Drive, the according folder and file “Data.csv.”

Then I have to chose, which file I want to upload and there are a bunch of options, which I don’t understand or are not self explaining to me. I’ve tried “Attachments (no data)” or “Attachement (exists, but not shown)” and some more, but nothing works. Which is the correct one to choose or where do I do the mistake?

Thanks and KR

Hi @MarkusR 

Good question.

For us to have full context, please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configure along with any encountered errors.

Please let me knwo, if you need more:




Use this field.

These are temp files that expire.

So you may need to refresh your Zap trigger to get more current examples to use to test the steps.


Thanks @Troy Tessalone 

It looks good in the first place, but the file is finally not updated in Google Drive:




last change in Google Drive:




Make sure to refresh GDrive before checking.

Can you post updated screenshots with how your Zap step is configured?

Do you have the correct “File to Replace” selected? (check the File ID in the dropdown)

Check the DATA IN/OUT from your Zap Runs to help you troubleshoot:



Hi @Troy Tessalone 

I have no idea how to check the FileID, but there was another Data.csv.

with this one it’s now working. Thanks for your help!


That’s awesome news @MarkusR! Big shoutout to Troy here for pointing you in the right direction.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗