Hi @Trent,
I’m not really familiar with the HubSpot dashboard, but before we dive deeper, could you please let me know on where exactly you can find that chart in your HubSpot app? Is it located under the contacts section or elsewhere?
Thank you!
Hi @Trent,
Thanks for the screenshot!
Unfortunately, it looks like the “Reports” tab or “Reports” trigger for the HubSpot integration is not available with Zapier at the moment. We do have an existing feature request to support this functionality, and I have added your email address to the open feature request. That does a few things:
- Bring this to the attention of the integration developers
- Help track interest in this feature being implemented
- Allows us to notify you via email if this feature becomes available in the future
While I don't have an ETA on when this feature might be implemented, we will notify you via email if it is!
Hopefully, this helps!