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I have a google form that works this way:


Select a service:





Select a company size:






If you choose:

A1 – receive email A1

A2 – receive email A2

A3 and 4 – receive email A3/4

(this part works OK)


But if you select:

B1 B2 B3 B4 - receive email B

C1 C2 C3 C4 - receive email C

D1 D2 D3 D4 - receive email D

Doesn’t matter the company size.

The problem goes like this:
A is running ok, they are receiving the right email.
but if they choose B, C or D and the company size, they are receiving 2 emails.
For example: If they choose B2 they received email B and also A2.
If they choose D3 they received email D and also A3.

I’ve already tried connectors And and Or and can’t find a way to make it work.

Hi @JessJess 

Good question.

Have you tried using Paths?

NOTE: Paths required a Zapier Pro+ plan.

Thanks! Yes I know I can do it with paths but it’s for a Starter plan account.
Any other suggestion that can work for that plan?


You can use a Code step to do the IF/ELSE logic.

So i decided to do everything again and now nothing is working. Help!
I was planing on doint it more simple… if they choose A they get mail A, if B they get mail B, if C they get mail C. but not even that is running.



Can you post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to give us more context?

I’m doing it all over again… If they choose Branding… they get an email about branding

But right now doesnt matter what they choose, they get all the emails: branding, social media, packaging… everything


my new approach is to make it simple.
Google form → Google sheets → Zapier  → Gmail to send the messages.
Is only one question that loads in google sheets that triggers the messages


The Filter condition is not configured correctly.

The left side variable is being compared to itself on the right side.

That means it will always evaluate to TRUE and pass the Filter step.

Try setting a static value on the right side.

Then test again.

You would need a separate Zap for each email template to send.


OMG you are right! Can’t beleive I missed that.
Thank you so much,  everything is running ok now.

And instead of using paths i’m running a double filter and works good.

That’s fantastic news, @JessJess! Thanks for following up here to confirm that worked. Great catch on that @Troy Tessalone! 🙌 

If you run into any further trouble at all please do reach back out to the Community - we’re always here and happy to help! 🙂