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I have Google calendar synced with an external outlook calendar.  As a freelancer I have multiple clients but need to update a single calendar to show when busy so they don’t book meetings at the same time.  I used the calendar integration from Zapier for Google to the client’s Outlook calendar assigned to me and it’s working great.  Except because the names don’t match (I mark as Busy in Outlook because they don’t need details of my activities), it’s creating duplications for each calendar event.  As a result, for 1 meeting I may have up to 5 busy block out times in their outlook and then of course, the calendar syncs back the other way also.

Is there any way to filter to say if already calendar event exists during this time, not to add another blocking?  Because of the number of duplications I run out of zaps each month.

Hi @hsanderson 

For us to have more info, post screenshots showing how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.
