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How do I move users between groups in MailerLite based on purchase activity in Acuity using Zapier?

  • 25 July 2024
  • 3 replies



I have an Acuity account from which clients can make purchases. I have also set up an automation in MailerLite as part of a promotion. When a user makes a purchase, I want them to be removed from their current group and placed in a new group. When creating the Zap, I had to specify the user’s current group and the new group. The Zap looks like it will work on a specific group only. The problem I notice with this set up is that I don’t see any “if/then” functions for the Zap. I want dormant users in a group to be moved to an active user group, once they have purchased, and for the automation to stop. Can anyone help with this?


Hi @jsamson,


Welcome to the community. 

To move users between groups in MailerLite based on purchase activity in Acuity using Zapier, you can follow these steps:


Set Acuity as a trigger App: In the "Choose a trigger App" section, search for and select "Acuity Scheduling." You'll then need to choose a trigger, which would be something like "New Appointment" or "Updated Appointment" depending on your specific needs.


Set MailerLite as an Action App: In the "Choose an Action App" section, search for and select "MailerLite". For the action, you'll want to choose "Update Subscriber".


Set Up MailerLite Subscriber: In this step, you'll tell Zapier how to update your MailerLite subscribers. You'll need to select the specific group you want to move the subscriber to and map the email field to the corresponding field from Acuity.


Remember, Zaps run every 5-15 minutes for free and starter plans, but they can run every 1-5 minutes on professional and team plans.

Please note that this is a general guide, and the specific steps may vary slightly based on your specific needs and the exact apps you're using.


Feel free to ask if you need further assistance. Thanks!

Hi JammerS


Thanks for getting back to me.

Do you think this method also works if I start with multiple groups?

For clarity, I am running a promotion campaign. Users belong to the following current two groups, “TTM” and “TTB”, each subdivided into “current” and “dormant”. When a user makes a purchase, I want then to move them to the relevant “active” group. Does this make sense?

Hi @jsamson,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Here’s how I see the Zap you have in mind:

  1. Trigger: Acuity Scheduling - New Product Order
  2. Action: MailerLite - Find a Subscriber
  3. Action: MailerLite - Remove Subscriber From a Group - remove subscriber from “dormant” group
  4. Action: MailerLite - Add Subscriber to a Group - add subscriber to an active group

Hopefully, this helps!