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Hi Guys


I have many customers set up in Stripe with subsription payments each month. 

I also have them set up on repeating invoices on Xero.

The issue is each time I get paid in Stripe I have to manually go in & mark the repeating invoice as paid.

No decent solution offered by Xero so is there any way to use Zapier to accomplish this? Perhaps by linking the subscription ID or the customers email / Date paid?




Hey there @EggDesign. Welcome to the Community! 😁

Do the payments captured by Stripe happen to collect the invoice number or reference?

If so, you could use a Find Invoice (Xero) action to search for the invoice based on the invoice number/reference that’s received from Stripe. Then you could follow that up with a Update Sales Invoice action to set the status of the invoice that was found to “Paid”.

Do you think that approach could work for your needs here?

Hi Sam


Thank you for the welcome! 🙂 Sounds like it could work but im assuming each invoice in Xero or Stripe has a unique refernce or Invoice number as they are repeating invoices? Im not sure but ill look into it! 


Is there a way to add the Stripe subscription ID as the corresponding reference  number on the repeating invoice in xero maybe?  

 And on xero





Sorry for the delay in replying here @EggDesign!

Hmm, if they’ve all got the same invoice number then that could be tricky as you wouldn’t be able to search for the date to determine which invoice it’s for. 🤔

If you there isn’t a way to get a unique ID or reference added for each recurring invoice I wonder if the New Sales Invoice Xero trigger would fire when that recurring invoice is created? If it does then perhaps you could keep a record of each invoice and the month it’s for in a Zapier Table. Then you could search the table when the payment comes in to find a match on both the subscription ID and the current month to find the relevant invoice for that month. To search for a specific month though, you’ll likely need a Formatter action to get the payment date converted into just the month and select it in the search action. More on how to convert dates into custom formats here: Modify date and time formats in Zaps

Hope that helps. If you run into any issues on that or have any further questions do let me know!