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How do I map Outlook calendar fields for recurrence rules when adding/updating a Google Calendar in Zapier to maintain recurrence when syncing?

  • 14 March 2023
  • 6 replies

How Do I map Outlook Calendar Fields (for Recurrence Rules) when Adding/Updating a Google Calendar to ensure recurrence is maintained when syncing please?

I have created a Zap to add new events from Outlook Calendar to Google Calendar.

And the same for Update.  But I am unsure as to how best to map Outlook Appointment Recurrence fields to ensure these are also copied over to Google Calendar when the Zap/s run please.

Hope this makes sense.

Hi there @Kalps.b,

Is there a particular field you’re having trouble setting correctly in Google Calendar?

Hi @shalgrim, I have this issue too…

I have tried mapping Repeat Frequency (google calendar field) with Recurrence (outlook event field) and have only received the first instance of the invite in google calendar. Do you have any suggestions as to what mapping is required to support a repeating meeting being created?


Thank you in advance

Hi @dancinbean,

Before we dig deeper into this, are you using the “New Calendar Event” trigger for Microsoft Outlook to trigger on recurring events?

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

Hi @ken.a thanks for the quick response!

I’m using ‘New calendar event’ for outlook and ‘Create detailed event’ for google calendar. I’ve successfully mapped ‘Summary’, ‘Description’, ‘Start date and time’ and ‘End date and time’ and created a sync for new events that are created in Outlook, however if it is a recurring event, I only get the first instance in google calendar.

I have tried ‘Recurrence’ from the outlook categories in ‘Repeat frequency’ and ‘Repeat every X none(s)’ for google cal. 

I don’t really need to map any other items, I’m trying to create a single source of truth for calendars in google, but will be accessing outlook for joining events etc.

Hi @dancinbean,

Thanks for the additional info.

I did some digging into this, and it seems like the “New Calendar Event” for Microsoft Outlook doesn’t support triggering on recurring events. However, we do have an existing feature request for this exact functionality.

I have added you and @Kalps.b to the open feature request. That does a few things:

  • Bring this to the attention of the integration developers
  • Help track interest in this feature being implemented
  • Allows us to notify you via email if this feature becomes available in the future

While I don't have an ETA on when this feature might be implemented, we will notify you via email if it is!

Hopefully, this helps.

Hi @ken.a thank you for the update - fingers crossed it gets picked up soon :)
