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I am attempting to transfer uploaded files from Box to be included in HubSpot as attachment in specific deal.

Integration between HubSpot and Box exists: When new deal is created in HubSpot a new folder is created in Box titled Deal Name - Record ID (HubSpot fields).

I am having trouble figuring out how this flow will draw from the correct fields between HubSpot and Box as I am not seeing them available in Zap workflow. Perhaps I am missing steps to connect everything together? 

Hi @mozan 

For the Zap trigger: Box - New File

You must specify a Folder.

That means you would need a separate Zap for each Box Folder you are trying to watch for new files in.


@Troy Tessalone, thank you for your response! 

This is right, I am specifying one folder in which new folders will create themselves into. My confusion, and error, is in the following step. HubSpot - Upload Folder in Actions. 

What requirements are needed in this step for Box to send new files to create attachments in HubSpot Deal? 

I’ve tried to run several tests, but I do not see where the test lands in HubSpot.. 

Hi @mozan 

I don’t think the Box Zap trigger (New File) will work for detecting files in subfolders, only for the specified Folder.


Folder field expects a valid Folder value from the dropdown list.

Help link about using dynamic variables in dropdown fields:


Remove the File variable you have mapped.


Help link for using Files in Zaps:

File field expects a file url or a file object.

Use the File variable that you have in the Filename.


@Troy Tessalone,

I’ve changed the initial trigger to be Event to capture movement within the subfolders.. Not sure if that will completely work but I need new movement within subfolders to be found and then sent to HubSpot. 


Have looked into articles you sent (thank you so much), but I am not understanding them and how I can reach my goal. The options in the dropdown are not clear as to their purpose. 



For us to have current context, post these screenshots:

  • how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode so we can see field types and field descriptions
  • example options to select from dropdown fields that you are trying to use

Really appreciate you help @Troy Tessalone !!! 

Initial Trigger


HubSpot - Upload File

List of options given: 

Name Document.pdf

Format data

File (Exists but not shown)

Creator Name Zap Zaplar

Modifier Name Zap Zaplar

Info Name Filename.pdf

Owner Name Zap Zaplar

Parent Folder Name Parent Name

Info Path Collection Entries Name All Files

Etag 0

ID 1234567890

Sha 1 r8t9452i594117a0h6901x7ogxib84hg76i0p6q9

Type file


Info Path Id

Info Shared Link Unshared At

Info Shared Link Vanity Url

Info Shared Link Is Password Enabled false

Info Shared Link Permissions Can Download false

Info Shared Link Permissions Can Preview true

Info Path Collection Total Count 4

Info Shared Link Download Count 0

Info Shared Link Preview Count 0

Info Size 123456

File Version Id 1234567890

File Version Sha 1 r8t9452i594117a0h6901x7ogxib84hg76i0p6q9

File Version Type file_version

Info Content Created At 2018-06-08T08:00:00-07:00

Info Content Modified At 2018-06-08T08:00:00-07:00

Created Date 2018-06-08T08:00:00-07:00

Info Created By Id 1234567890

Info Created By Login

Info Created By Type user


Info Etag 1

Info File Version Id 1234567890

Info File Version Sha 1 r8t9452i594117a0h6901x7ogxib84hg76i0p6q9

Info File Version Type file_version

Info Id 1234567890

Info Item Status active

Modified Date 2018-06-08T08:00:00-07:00

Info Modified By Id 1234567890

Info Modified By Login

Info Modified By Type user

Info Owned By Id 1234567890

Info Owned By Login

Info Owned By Type user

Info Parent Etag 0

Info Parent Id 1234567890

Info Parent Sequence Id 0

Info Parent Type folder

Info Path Collection Entries ID 0

Info Path Collection Entries Type folder

Info Sequence Id 1

Info Sha 1 r8t9452i594117a0h6901x7ogxib84hg76i0p6q9

Info Shared Link Access collaborators

Info Shared Link Download Url

Info Shared Link Effective Access collaborators

Info Shared Link Effective Permission can_preview

Info Shared Link Url

Info Type file

Sequence ID

HubSpot - File Name & File 

I am given the same list of options as above. I’m unsure how the Zap will identify exact deal from HubSpot as the options given are only from Box.. 




The HubSpot Folder field expects the HubSpot Folder ID, not the Box File ID.

Help link for expected field values when mapping dynamic variables to dropdown lists:

For the Filename field, only map 1 of these variables:

  • Name
  • Info Name