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I have a zap that automatically adds the internal note of a ticket from Zendesk into Notion. The issue I am running into is that if inside that internal note is an image, it does not show up in Notion. Any suggestions on how I can do that?

Hi @kcexplorer 

That depends on how the data is returned from Zendesk.

Can you post screenshots of an example that has an image?


Notion: I can't see all fields in my Zap

Not all Notion property types are supported in Zapier. The following property types are not supported:
  • Files and media
  • Formulas
  • Relations
  • Rollups
  • Status
These property types will not appear in your triggers or actions.

Yea, the file comes across as plain text and the image is normally pasted into the internal note of zendesk.
