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We’re looking to integrate Connectwise Manage and Zendesk.  The default PSA is Connectwise but would like to have new tickets created in Zendesk when a new ticket is created in Connectwise, and subsequent updates to tickets be reflected in both PSA’s.  The goal is to allow our team to work primarily in Zendesk while ensuring data is also captured in Connectwise, mainly for reporting purposes.  I’ve been able to create a Zap that handles the ticket creation portion.  Issue I’m facing is getting the ticket updates to flow back and forth.

Do there happen to be any templates for this?

Hi @JKanable,

I just came across your post here and wanted to check in here to see how you’re getting on. Do you still need help about your desired workflow?

Please do let us know if you’re still in need of some help on this at all - happy to assist further! 🤗

Thank you for the reply.  I am still working on creating the workflow.  Assistance in getting the ticket updates to flow back and forth would be greatly appreciated.  I.e., when a ticket update is made in ZenDesk, that update is logged in the corresponding ticket in ConnectWise.  And the other way, CW->ZD.

Hey @JKanable 👋

Looks like you’ve already got a conversation going with our Support team about this. They’ll likely be the best folks to continue troubleshooting the issues your running into in setting this up as they’ve got access to your Zaps and will have the most context. 

That said, I’m happy to help troubleshoot things here with you, we’d just need some setting screenshots of the Zaps’ current set up showing what settings and fields have been selected so we can see where you’re at. Please remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing.

And can you also share some details of any issues or errors you’re seeing in getting the updates to be passed between ZenDesk and ConnectWise? That way we’ll be better able to advise on any changes that may need to be made to help get things up and running.

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!