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Hello, I am trying to automate my workflow so that when I receive a commission through ko-fi, a card on Trello is created. The one thing I am having trouble with is that my commissions usually require that the client sends an attachment of their reference sheet in order for me to draw their character. How do I make it so that when a commission is ordered, the  attachment also appears on the newly created Trello card. I am mostly getting stuck on what I type for the “card name” since I want the attachment to go with its corresponding client’s card. I hope this is clear enough, I’m brand new to zapier and it looks like it could be a big help to my work.

TLDR; When a commission comes through I want Trello to make a new card that also includes the attatchment from ko-fi.


Hi @Curleigh Fries 

Help article to reference:

Check the field description for guidance.

The Card field expects the Trello Card ID from the previous step.


Hi there @Curleigh Fries,

I just came across your post here and wanted to check in here to see how you’re getting on. Were you able to follow Troy’s suggestion to use the Card ID from the “Create Card” step?

Please do let us know if you’re still in need of some help on this at all we’re happy to assist further! 🤗