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How do I include a PDF from an Inistate activity in a Gmail draft?

Helo, how to integrate Zapier with Inistate and Gmail. I need Gmail to create a draft mail when I perform an activity and I want the body of draft mail can show pdf file that is from Inistate one just like the picture above. It is a pdf form from Inistate. Could somebody help me?


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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi again @Siew Chin Khai

I did a quick test with the Inistate trigger and a pdf attached to the item didn’t come through with the trigger data, so I don’t think you will be able to do this if the information is in the pdf as opposed to written as text in a field. We may be able to ask the team at Inistate to add files as a feature request, but you’ll need to contact the Zapier Support Team (using the Get Help form)  to take a closer look at your Zap and the information from Inisitate to see if this will be possible. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be of more help with this!


Userlevel 1

OK, no prob

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @Siew Chin Khai! I just wanted to check in here as I didn’t see any recent support tickets from you in our queue. Once you fill out the “Get Help” form Danvers linked to above, we can dig into what’s possible and also log a feature request on your behalf if need be. 🙂 Looking forward to hearing from you!