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Hello community,
I am trying to get an action that gets the attendees of a webinar on EasyWebinar, so that I can target them and create a atomation for further engagement on kajabi

Hi there @impeccable,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Here is how I see the Zap for the workflow that you have in mind:

  1. Trigger: EasyWebinar - New Webinar Registration
  2. Action: Kajabi - (Action of your choice)

Hopefully, this helps!

Yes, I get what you are saying. That is what I did at the beginning of th zap. However, going further to know those who attended and those who did not attend the webinar, there's no action for that. So how do I go about that, so that I can now make a form submission for them seperately on Kajabi (one for attendee and the other for those who didn't attend)

Hi @impeccable,


You will likely need access to the platform you used to host the webinar in order to determine who attended and who did not. Most times a webinar hosting platform will just provide you with a list of those that attended once the webinar is over.

For example, if you used Zoom, you can find the attendee list in the Zoom Reports section. Similarly, GoToWebinar provides an Attendee Report feature that lists all attendees and the time they joined and left the webinar.

Once you have this list, you can compare it with your initial list of registered participants to identify who didn't attend.

As for making a form submission for them separately on Kajabi, you would need to create two separate forms - one for attendees and one for non-attendees. After creating the forms, you can manually input the information or if Kajabi allows, import a CSV file with the attendees' and non-attendees' information.

If Kajabi has an API, it might be possible to automate this process. You could potentially create a script that takes the attendee/non-attendee lists, and automatically populates and submits the Kajabi forms. However, this would require some programming knowledge and understanding of the Kajabi API.

If you need further assistance with this, I would recommend reaching out to Kajabi's support.
