I’m trying to use Zapier to add my TeamUp events to a calendar/database in Notion. However, I can’t seem to figure out how to deal with recurrent events from TeamUp.
My first attempt of using start and end date in the date fields, creates long events from the start date of the first occurrence to the end date of the last occurrence … which is the opposite of helpful.
I do understand why that is the behaviour though, so I went looking for other options and I saw there is a “recurrence instance start date” too, but no corresponding end date … and there’s no if/else option in Zapier to set the date to start date if not recurring, recurrence start date if recurring or to only trigger with recurring events (in order to split it into two zaps).
So … my question, am I missing something, or is the only nice way to fix this, to pay for the premium plan and make a multistep/path type zap?